Sunday, April 11, 2010


NOTE The following is an adaptation from the soon to be released book ‘Letters From 2030’. To register interest on its release, or to order a copy email Bob Williamson via this link.

February 6th 2030.

The previous day February 5th had been a turning point in his isolation. The Dark Eyes had found him and made contact. After receiving their hologramletter he had paced up and down calming his nerves and pounding heart rate. Today was time to calmly plan how he would reach out to those who were waiting for his next communication. Anthony, Katey and all those at the HAARP complex, Suzanne in her sole isolation, Mathew in New Zealand, Old Joe and Sam and so many others not yet known who were receiving his words of encouragement and hope through his transmissions. There was no choice but to keep sending his hologramletters of support to them but how? And how would he warn them that they too were in the sights of the Dark Eyes?

First he needed to lock the Dark Eyes out of any further infiltration to his system and files. Then he needed to ensure that any future hologramletter couldn’t give them direct access to his system.

He systematically went floor to floor searching for servers and spare parts that he could use to set up a security wall to his main system. He would set it up in the configuration similar to those used by the Remote Server Access Network (RSAN) that he had subscribed to in 2010. After several hours he had all the parts he needed.

The Remote Server Access Network was a world wide archive service to preserve the intelligence and memories of man well into the centuries to come. It acted like a giant vault (time capsule) whose individual client records could only be accessed after the life of those who were contributing had passed. Set with a default time lock of 100 years on the date of birth of the client, his vault would remain secure until July 20th 2053. He had set up his account at the RSAN base location of Cooper Pedi in South Australia. The area was well known for both its labyrinths of underground opal mines and its year round solar power supply.

RSAN’s sever files and all the archive accounts had encrypted access codes that were designed to be impossible to hack. He had chosen for his account name ZERO Greenhouse Emissions after the book (ZERO Greenhouse Emissions – The Day the Lights Went Out – Our Future World) that he had written that had changed the life of so many back in the first and second decades. The password had been carefully considered when setting up his account. Based on the subheading of the book OUR FUTURE WORLD he had used a three numbers back/ three letters forward/ alphabetical number/ letter system for the account password.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


23 24 25 26

O = 12

U = X

R = 15

F = I

U = 18

T = W

U = 18

R = U

E = 2

W = Z

O = 12

R = U

L = 9

D = G

Apart from the archive service, RSAN provided clients with an incoming and outgoing secure source of communication. Outgoing messages were able to be given a transmission delay time of between 6 to 66 minutes and when transmitted, were rerouted randomly 6 to 9 times via RSAN’s 30 worldwide server sites. Incoming messages to ZERO Greenhouse Emissions.rsan similarly collected worldwide and rerouted via the network to the home base servers, could only be accessed or opened, with the password encrypted code.

He tested the servers he had collected from the lower floors. Most would only be useful for spare parts, but one had no security access code installed and was perfect for the job with 1 million gigabytes of clean capacity. His plan was that he would use this to download outgoing hologramletter recordings from the main system. He would then disconnect it before logging into his RSAN account via the new server and this would act as an impenetrable firewall.

He set up the configuration codes on the new stand alone server. The user name he set as ZERO Greenhouse Emissions – and the password would be; 12X15I18W18U2Z12U9G. To test the system he recorded a short message that he planned to send out to everyone to alert them to the Dark Eyes security breach of their systems and his.

ALERT – SECURITY BREACH – This will be my last transmission via my open access unsecured lines. I will explain later. Search for future transmissions at the call sign ZERO Greenhouse Emissions.rsan

Stay safe – stay indoors. Much hope to you. I will be in touch soon.”

He hooked up the link from his main system to the new server and downloaded the message. He then disconnected the server interface links. Now to test the RSAN transmission and receivable communications channels. He logged into his account and downloaded the hologramletter for outgoing transmission setting it to be received by his incoming mailbox. He set the time for transmission for 12 minutes and logged out.

He walked to the window; looking down onto the empty flooded streets his mind wondered once more to the motives of the Dark Eyes.

He had looked many times into the dark eyes of the collective that had now made direct contact with him. He knew of their number and their interweaved plans of control of the future for their members benefit. Some of the others around the world that now relied on his words of support and hope, wouldn’t know of their long held goals. In 2010 the majority of the 6.5 billion of the world’s population back then, either were unaware of their existence and plans, or were too complacent in their daily lives to be awoken to them. He replayed their hologramletter with the passages again sending a chill of dread down his spine.

“We know your purpose in communicating with these people is to share a little hope with them that the world can heal itself. You and I know this will never happen or that it will return to the idyllic planet of your memories. But your efforts do not conflict with ours and we may mutually benefit from your open communication with them. Time will tell. Our offer is to have you feed certain communications in order that some information gets to them that will benefit them.”


“As I said we hold no malice towards you either. You are an old man and have little time left and can do us no harm. There are others we can convince to join us in this role, so should you not wish to assist us we will not take any action against you. We can however should you cooperate with us, make the time you have left much more productive and you will learn how with our help, to get far more out of this new world. You will profit from this alliance. Give some thought to our offer and we will look forward to your positive reply.”

The reference to ‘feed certain communications in order that some information gets to them that will benefit them’ was obviously a lie. These dark eyes were the same people who had knowingly fed toxins through the food and products they peddled for profit that had systematically led to the deaths of hundreds of millions if not billions, by 2015/20. Their plans to increase the mortality rate and reduce global populations of what they saw as human lab rats started in the 1950’s when it was seen that the explosion of what was called the ‘baby boomers’ couldn’t be sustained as an aging population of none contributors. These people, of who he was one, were to be slowly poisoned out of existence. ‘Too many people not contributing – get rid of them!’ had been their unwritten law of rule.

The reference ‘we hold no malice towards you either. You are an old man and have little time left and can do us no harm.’

This reference to his age now in 2030 was true. At 77 and in failing health himself due to their stealth of feeding carcinogenic chemicals with every piece of food packaging, every steel and aluminium can, every plastic bottle, every toxic cocktail used in the products we washed with, sprayed on, or lotion and cosmetics we applied daily from the start of the chemical revolution, hidden under the cloak modern life; of consumerism and economic growth since the 1960’s, had now taken full effect. All of the chemicals built into the genetically modified foods that became the staple diet of everything from baby formulae to breakfast cereal, to the world’s daily bread had now taken effect. Even rigorous lobbying by those who knew of the dangers could not stop the avalanche of toxins entering every level of the food chain, with the GM products also being fed to the world’s livestock and fish stocks. No one could avoid the toxins and most didn’t even know they were being systematically poisoned out of existence. Even when the increases in cancers, tumours and fatal blood disorders were published, all but a few connected the dots. All of the poisons that leached into our homes and lives, into the air we breathed coming from the so called labour saving devices; from our plastic encased lives, our televisions and computers – everything made of plastic all but a few had seen the outcome. Everything designed to be used and dumped. Everything chemically treated in some way or other. Our addiction to plastic had invaded the seas by the first decade on the 21st century with its toxic cocktail of BPA in a range of polymers including those used to make plastic bottles and diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) which caused endocrine disruption that lead to cancers, birth defects, immune system suppression and developmental problems in our children. These residual toxins were fed back to us via the fish stocks of the world that had ingested them.

We saw with the onslaught of climate change and increased droughts how the soils impregnated with billions of tonnes of chemical fertilisers and tainted with the residual toxic cocktail of GM crops, washed into the river systems depriving them of oxygen resulting in the algal blooms that reached a critical global peak in Red Tides and Cyanobacteria Blooms from 2014 to 2020.

So among the dark eyes collective these long time manipulators of the culling of humanity had long since thrived. Also among their collective were the bankers who funded the global motive of economic growth at all costs. These were the backers/ mortgage holders of every global nation. The owners of the world’s governments, the ones that held the world’s debt for profit; those who worked religiously for greed, to position every world governments to be so indebted on the treadmill that every public policy by 2010, was only ever made with their direct consent and approval. These too funded the corporate dark eyes, those who deforested the world to plant even more GM crops to poison even more of a hungry and willing population locked into the illogical sleepwalk of the ‘living and business as usual’ model. Many had lost the will or desire for self determination by the end of the first decade. They would vote to continue as they always had rather than vote for change to a more sustainable future; this the political dark eyes knew. The dark eyes fostered openly the ‘live for today, tomorrow never comes’ attitude. It was sold to us in every product built to be thrown away, and products not able to be repaired. To be replaced with a better model or a cheaper alternative. To be bought on credit to be paid for into the future. ‘Get it now pay later’ had been the slogan of industry and of course their dark eyed colleagues, the Bankers.

The dark eyes of the early 21st century and their predecessors back in the 1950’s knew that climate change and global warming would take its toll on several billion of the world’s population, so they funded the economic growth and pollution of the world’s atmosphere with the relentless burning of fossil fuels. Every coal fired power station to fuel the economic growth and every economic activity however short lived the prospect. If it succeeded the dark eyes profited and if it failed they profited from the indebtedness. ‘Make money on a rising or falling stock’ was another key to their business plans and to their plans to control nations.

They knew that by 2050 their plan to reduce the global population needed to have eliminated 90% of those 7 billion living in 2010 to slow poisoning although a long term plan (a hundred year time frame 1950 to 2050) it had succeeded by 2030 with an estimated 750,000 now still surviving. There were many in this number who still had no place in their future plans and as he looked down on the empty streets below he knew he was amongst this number.

What was now needed was to alert those others that had no place in the dark eyes future to the new peril ready to attack.

He would spend time going through his archived research of the dark eyes 1950 to 2030 plans and detail their motive and design to all those left eking out survival around the world. This would form a new focus to his daily routine, there was much to review, analyse and relay. One thing was without doubt, their motive had not changed and their plans had succeeded.

It was time to log back in to the RSAN service to see if his test transmission had been sent and then received back into the account.

He switched on the stand alone server and entered the account name and password. ZERO Greenhouse Emissions - 12X15I18W18U2Z12U9G, there it was a single hologramletter. He downloaded it, logged out and transferred the message to his main system. He then disconnected the interface link. It was somehow strange to see his own image materialise as a hologram on the horizontal monitor. His face was drawn and pale, his stance somehow stooped from how he had once been, or even thought he now was. Like listening to a recording of your own voice he thought, it wasn’t what he had expected he would look like.

When making the recording he had attempted to make his transmission urgent and concerned but also comforting to those who would receive it, knowing he would not give up in his support of them, or the hope for a better future.

Had the global population woken up in the first decade to what the future held without their collective outcry for change, not only would he not be standing where he was today in 2030, but the plans of the dark eyes would have failed. All academic now, he thought to himself.

He knew the dark eyes would also receive the transmission and with it, they would have his answer to their offer of collusion. At least with such a short hologramletter transmission they would have no time to do any further hacking of his files. He felt sure they would not have had any access to his research on them, as these records were also in encrypted archive documents within his system.

He loaded the recorded message onto the outgoing transmission file, turned the system to transmit and pushed the send key.

ALERT – SECURITY BREACH – This will be my last transmission via my open access unsecured lines. I will explain later. Search for future transmissions at the call sign ZERO Greenhouse Emissions.rsan

Stay safe – stay indoors. Much hope to you. I will be in touch soon.”

In ten seconds the transmission had gone and the system was taken off line. This would be his last hologramletter to go out via the unsecured line the lights dimmed and went black. He would somehow miss that part of his day where the incoming transmission light flickered, where he would wait eagerly to see who was reaching out. Was this a welcome technology advance, or was it a further distance between his close contacts; with those he too had become dependent on for daily support?